
Showing posts from February, 2017

May-June 2016

As I want this blog to cover our whole venture to Utah with the family, I'll have to go back in time 9 months ... 9 months during which we built a new life, and when I say a "new life" I'm not talking about the kind which takes up all of your time, but a new life which has given us time! Ok, so I stopped working as a safety engineer @ Belgocontrol as from May 2016 for the 'material' preparation of our move to Utah: ✈ Beginning of May we went one week to Utah to find a house and schools. After 2 days of visiting the most awful houses, wíth a jet lag, in a rainy cold Utah with its typical American 'villages' without a real center and the cosiness that goes with it, we felt more like cancelling the whole thing than anything else! Luckily that feeling only lasted one evening. The next morning we started off with new courage and ... surprise surprise ... we found the perfect house! ✈ Once back in Belgium, it was time to get our furniture, and every...