November 2016 - Thanksgiving & Trump

The fourth thursday of November, Americans gather for a day of feasting, football and family, aka Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving dinner is probably the most important meal of the year for Americans. The traditional menu depends from state to state ( mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes casserole with mashed potatoes!!! 😳, corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie...), but where ever you are the (stuffed) Turkey is the center piece! And these turkeys are huge!! I can truly understand the meat sweat and sweatpants of Joey Tribbiani when I think about it 😅 The 'Broad Breasted White Turkeys' are commercially the most widely used breed and are particularly bred for Thanksgiving (and Christmas). Their size (specimens can grow ups to 40 pounds!!) makes them ideal for big family meals, but makes them flightless and natural reproduction is impossible as the males are just too fat to mount the hens anymor...