May 2017 - Parties and local hikes

Parties May 2017 was a month full of parties ... a party to welcome new life, a party to say goodbye and a Dutch party. Definitely a welcome distraction from our otherwise party-less life here 😇... we do live in a state with strict alcohol rules and where bars and clubs are scarce, remember?! In the US, ' baby showers ' are a common tradition. So when Najwa, a lady from Jordan who was part of our international community here, was almost at the end of her pregnancy, I decided to treat her with this American tradition. With the consumer ideology of the 1950s and 1960s in the US, this baby shower tradition started during the baby boom era and served the function of providing the mother with material goods by 'showering' her with gifts. In Belgium some people throw a ' baby borrel ' for all their friends and family a few weeks áfter the baby is born to avoid all the individual maternity visits in the hospital at a moment that you're recovering from the...