March 2019 - Birthdays, soccer, San Antonio and some more winter fun

Birthdays March is a month full of birthdays, which makes me conclude that June must be a really entertaining month 😏 It started with the birthday of Geert on the 2nd of March. But it's also the birthday month of Siska, Mario and An, close friends of ours in Meulsté. And then we also have Shell and Jimmy, 2 good friends of Geert (and hence also mine 😏). And f rom our friends here in the States, we've got Loïc, Denise, Simone, Gabi and Anouchka. We haven't been able to celebrate all these birthdays of course, but we did for Simone and Anouchka. Simone's, because there was a breakfast get-together planned on that day with the spouses. And Anoucka's, because it was her 30th birthday and that was something we couldn't let go by without a proper celebration! We celebrated it the same day as Belgium played ⚽️ against Cyprus. So we invited all the Belgian families to our place to watch the game together, and afterwards some friends came marching in t...