October 2019 - Hike time, last visitors & Halloween

Ingrid, Geert's mom, was here for a few more days ... just enough time to take her on 2 of our favourite fall hikes here in the neighbourhood & show her the Fall Foliage 🍁 Utah is known for. This year wasn't the most beautiful fall we've had here. The colours startied showing later than other years, and then it all went very quickly. Probably thanks to a few very cold October days (coldest since 1971). But it was beautiful anyway! We did 'The Wind Cave Trail' in Logan & 'The Farmington Creek Trail' in ... Farmington 😏. The ' Farmington Creek Trail' leads to a pretty waterfall, and along the way you have gorgeous views into the canyon and the valley, and you pass some old wrecks of cars that plummeted off the small mountain pass road, located about 100 feet above the trail. To get a good view on the waterfall, you need to descend to the base with a rope, but that was a bit too adventurous for Geert's mom. The...