January 2020 - Reunion & ski fun

The 5th day into the new year Hendrik came back home! I'm sure for him it felt more like leaving home, because he just cannot wait to return back to Belgium for good 😏, but I know all of us were really happy to be together as a family again! But before that exciting moment would happen, we first had another visitor from Belgium passing by for an unexpected visit! Philip, a friend of ours from Meulstee, had some meetings in Utah & California, and would be staying at our place during the weekend. He already visited us during the summer of 2018 with his family, but this time he would be able to experience why they call the Utah snow 'The greatest snow on earth'. Utah’s license plates are even marked with a skier and this slogan, so it must be true! 😉 Apparently the best powder skiing is not found in the lightest snow, but rather in snow with enough 'body' (without being too wet and heavy) to provide good flotation.The Utah average snow density is 8.5% whi...