February 2020 - Wedding anniversary trip

February is the month were Geert and I got married, more precisely on February 9th 2002. It would be our last wedding anniversary here in the States, so we wanted to make it memorable! With Hendrik being back home, we had a driver in the house, which meant that our kids would be able to make it to school & get food just fine without us 😏 = a trip with just the 2 of us was só going to happen! 🥳 On February 6th, we departed from Salt Lake City to Charleston , South Carolina at the East Coast. Charleston is not the capitol of South Carolina, but it is the oldest and 2nd biggest city in that state. It has always been on my bucket list, as it is supposed to be one of the most beautiful (ánd romantic ... so perfect for this occasion 😊) cities in the US. It might come as a surprise to some of you, but it has been named both 'Top US City' and 'Top Destination in the World' by several known travel magazines ( ok I'll be honest, they're all A...