
Showing posts from July, 2017

Yellowstone - October 2016

Let me start by saying that  Yellowstone has made a huge impression on us and that we're planning to visit this National Park (NP) during other seasons too in the future. Yellowstone is a geological smoking gun! Although several destructing events took place at this area about half a million years ago, one event overshadows all others ... a huge area, that is now the center of the park, suddenly exploded. In minutes the landscape was devastated. At the center only a smoldering caldera remained, a collapsed crater of 45 by 30 miles. Lava flows and rocks from    volcanic eruptions  cover most of the land area of Yellowstone. So most of the park rests atop a slumbering volcano that is showing renewed activity by the way 😳 ... however no eruption is expected in the near future 😅 The boiling hot springs, fumaroles, mud spots and geysers spread out over the park are indeed reminders that such an event is not unimaginable! In 1872 Yellowstone became the first National Park in the wo